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Pentecostal Church of Christ is a unique multicultural church with love and compassion for the gospel of Jesus Christ; Impacting Lives, Building Next Generations

Our Story

We’ve loved every minute of our journey


Our Mission

Pentecostal Church of Christ is birthed by the providence of God as a fragment of the arrow-head for keeping watch of God’s Kingdom on earth, while raising generations of Light for the Gospel of Jesus.

In the eyes of God, the mission and vision of Jesus is to be pursued in a holistic fashion by the believers who are truly sold out as Jesus Christ disciples living solely for His sake and purpose. Those who are prepared to die to self, take up their cross and follow Jesus where their old nature of sinful lifestyle or sacrilege no longer rules, but Jesus becomes all in all in and through them to manifest Himself to those around them.

Our Vision

Working positively alongside Dorking Churches-Together;

Dorking Ministers Forum, meeting with all the Ministers of Religion once a month to support each other’s ministries and emotional issues, as well as safeguarding Christianity in Dorking.

We contributed to the Foodbank which is making a huge impact to the less privilege in Dorking.

Our sponsored child with Compassion UK is progressing at school as well as in the local Church. We do communicate with ‘Paa’ in Ghana on a regular basis.

Partnership with Arise Metropolitan Assembly, UK

PCC was inaugurated the Surrey Chapter of International Ministers Fellowship UK, and has been running with this every 2nd Saturdays of the Month meeting with other Ministers In-Ministries for inspiration and supports.

Partnership with Christian Voice UK, Christian Radio/Voice of Hope, Society for The Protection of The Unborn Children.

A freehold land was acquired as a permanent site for the School/Church. 3 Plots of Land for £18,000.00 in value in March 2018 at No.1 Unique Estate, Sanyo, Ibadan. NIGERIA.

Three Standard Classrooms with Seven Toilets and Shower Rooms has been built on the site.

The additional new 5 space classrooms, plus Head teacher/Chaplain office building project commenced in 2018 is almost completed. It has already been in used temporarily for lesson.

A security man has been added to the Teachers team for Anitan Christian Academy compound safety.

The school have 96 pupils to date; running with 11 Teachers, 1 Chaplain, 1 Security man.

Honorary recognition of ‘Ambassador of Goodwill’ was presented to 14 long time committed members of the Church at the Annual GOC in 9 November 2019.

Apostle Olaitan Anike Scott-Worsell, the visionary of Pentecostal Church of Christ released her 3rd version of her book ‘Simplicity.’




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